The Romanian price comparators have the role of promoting the offers of the online shops that are affiliated to them so that the products are visible on the comparators, but they have a link that leads directly to the partner stores. They are a good option for increasing sales.
In the easySales application, go to the Integrations -> Feed section and click the Connect button.
Fill in the price with which you want to deliver the order and exclude the basic categories.
Very important :
Adding/updating information in the feed can take up to 3 hours.
If you want to post the products from the Gloves category, but the product has Winter Articles / Accessories / Retro Gloves categories, you must select the exclusion of the Winter Articles and Accessories categories because only the subcategory must be imported.
Display example:
These feeds can be generated only for online stores and not for products in the virtual store.
You can generate a custom feed according to the desired specifications.
All you have to do is open a ticket from the Ticket Account area in which you specify all the necessary information, including the desired format.
Feed rules:
After integration, you can edited the connexion and set some rules.
Egg: If you want to add the products with stock 0 in feed you cand set :
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