If you already have products listed on the marketplace, in order to synchronize the information in the marketplace with that in your online or virtual store, we must make a connection between the product on the site and the product listed on the marketplace.
This process depends on the following factors:
1. The product must also exist in the website.
2. Both products must have a common, identical identifier, be it SKU (product code), EAN (barcode), name or ID.
When generating a link between an existing offer from the marketplace and one from the website, we will only synchronize the stock and link the information that is identical (eg EAN), in order to not affect the already valid product documentation.
The first step is to go to the Marketplace -> Autolink section in the easySales platform.
Autolink will automatically create links between all existing products in your online store or in the virtual store and those in the marketplace, if they have in common one of the 4 identifiers mentioned above.
Individual link
In the Marketplaces -> Offers section, products that do not have links created with the products from the website, will appear as Unlinked, which means that the product information will not be refreshed.
In order to create this link, click the Link button and identify the product on the website.
Website -> Fill in this field with the site name only if you use more than one website from the easySales platform.
Category -> The category from the site to which the product belongs. Optional
Brand -> The brand from the site to which the product belongs. Optional
Product -> Searches the products from the website, either by name or by product code (SKU).
Then click Create Link.
Repeat this process for all offers because they are not synchronized and no information is transmitted from your online shop.
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