To configure SmartBill integration, go to the easySales platform under Integrations -> Billing Software and click the Connect button. A pop-up will open with several options:
Company registration number:
In SmartBill, go to Configuration -> Company data -> General and copy the CIF field.
The token can be found in the My Account -> Integrations area at the bottom of the page in the area dedicated to API Information.
Careful! If the Cloud account password is changed, the token will also change.
Enter the email address you registered with on SmartBill.
Use as stock source for products:
If you use SmartBill warehouses and want to decrease stock when issuing invoices, choose "Yes" and add below the warehouse name exactly as you called it in SmartBill (case sensitive). The warehouses are in the Nomenclatures -> Warehouses area, in SmartBill.
Use payment tax:
If your company uses payment tax when invoicing, choose yes.
Save the products in the nomenclature:
If you wish to update product information in SmartBill when generating invoices, choose yes.
Advanced options:
Click the advanced settings button and see what other options are available
To set the conversion factor to "pcs" in Smartbill follow the instructions in the link below: .
In case you want to use it as a stock source, information must also be added in the Integrations-- . Warehouses, details here.
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