The easySales app takes information about products from the website in order to turn them into offers that it can send to the marketplace.
Important: In order to import the products, each of them must have a different SKU and the stock must be a numerical value.
If a SKU is modified in the shop it will be imported as a new product.
In order to find out which products are duplicated you can use the Download button from Online Shops/ Products.
At the same time, it centralizes order information so that you can later generate invoices and awbs, without the need for customizations or plugins in your website.
In order to connect the website follow the steps below:
Step 1:
In the easySales app, go to the Integrations -> Websites section and click on the "Connect a Website" button. Fill in the columns:
- Website Name – Website Name.
- Website URL – the shops web address (be careful to select http or https and enter www if redirect is forced this way)
- Country – Website's country
- Price VAT – If you are a VAT payer, write down the value (eg. 19)
- Shipping VAT – If you are a VAT payer, write down the value (eg. 19)
- Language – You can select Romanian, Bulgarian, Hungarian, Polish and English
- Currency – You can select Romanian Leu, Hungarian Forint, Bulgarian Leva, Polish Zloty and Euro
- Stock source – If you manage the stock only from the online shop, select website. If you want to keep stocks centralized in our app, select easySales (see how it works). If you manage the stock in SmartBill, you must first set up the connection and declare the warehouse management from which the stocks are read.
- Implicit package type – Select with what type of package orders are imported by default – used for AWB generation
Finally, select the box with Magento 2 and choose the correct version, then click the "Download Module" button.
Step 2:
Upload the downloaded module to your site using your favorite tool (WinSCP, Filezilla, cPanel etc) at app/code/ location . Unzip the module in this folder and check if there is the following folder structure: app/code/EasySales/Integrari/
After uploading the files you must connect via SSH to your server and run the following command to activate the module: php bin/magento setup:upgrade
Step 3:
The next step is to clear the cache from the menu System -> Cache Management -> Flush Magento Cache in order to have access to EasySales menu.
Step 4:
In order to setup the module, go to Stores -> Configuration. Top you will find the EASYSALES section. Enter the Token generated from the easySales platform (last step after downloading the module - configuration) in the Website Token field and set a default series for invoicing in the field Invoice Series – orders generated from the website will be imported with this value.
In order to be able to import the products stock, we need to set the stock source in the field Stock Source.
If you have an EAN code for products, choose the attribute that contains this information in the field EAN attribute, same for Brand or Warehouse Location.
Finally, click the Save button in the easySales platform and if everything is ok, the products from the shop will gradually appear in the Online Shop -> Products section.
When a new version of the module appears, you will see the warning in red according to this image:
- download the new version of the module
- delete the old module from the shop admin
- add the new archive
After the implementation of the new module, save the information both in the shop admin and in easySales.
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