Blocked products
Blocked products can be identified by this small banner displayed on the product in the online store.
On easySales account in Online shops / Products you will find a new zone ‘Advanced filters’ where you should filter by blocked products.
When a SKU receives multiple changes from many sources, our system will automatically block that product.
In that case, SKU probably has duplicate in website.
You should check in you website if you have 2 products with the same SKU and change one. Our system will import that new product (with new SKU).
Finally you should contact us to unblock them.
It is important to not have blocked products because in this situation the product and linked offers (if exists) no longer receives updates.
Duplicate products
Duplicate products can be identified by this small banner displayed on the product in the online store.
In Online shops/ Products there is an area of advanced filters where you can filter by duplicate products.
Duplicate products appear when a SKU is changed in the online store.
When a SKU is modify, our system will import as a new product.
Check if the old product has offers on the marketplace and move the offers of the old product to the new one. More details here.
Then you should archive the old product. More details about archived products you can find here.
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