If you don't have an account on Kaufland, you can register here.
Step 1
Navigate in the Kaufland platform and ganarate the 2 access key
Step 2: Connect
To configure the integration with Kaufland, go to the easySales platform, navigate to Integrations -> Marketplace, and click the Connect button. A pop-up with multiple options will appear:
Client Key: Generated in the Kaufland platform, Shop Settings section -> API (Step 1)
Secret Key: Generated in the Kaufland platform, Shop Settings section -> API (Step 1)
Invoice Series: Select the default invoice series with which orders will be imported – used when generating invoices.
Price Addition: A percentage added to the products from the website. (e.g., price 10 RON, with a 10% markup, the marketplace price will be 11 RON). Specific rules can be created later to modify the price on the marketplace (see here)
Default shipping tax: 0/19 etc
Default Tax Rate: 0/19 etc
Condition: Fetch values from Kaufland (selection from list)
Fulfillment method: Fetch values from Kaufland (selection from list)
Shipping group: Fetch values from Kaufland (selection from list)
Warehouse: Fetch values from Kaufland (selection from list)
Delivery Days: The amount of days for an order to be processed
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